Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Reduce Slips and Falls with the Right Slippery Floor Treatment

As per the current statistics, there’s been a sudden increase in the trend of people slipping at homes. Well, we do understand that walking or running on the floor with a wet or slippery surface can cause a huge damage to one’s life. Anyone can suffer severe injuries while running on the unwanted floor on which the water or oil is spilled. It can even become fatal for people. It’s been brought to notice that there are various areas in the house that make people prone to getting hurt in someway or the other. 

Most of the accidents occurred because of sudden slips or falls have lead to serious hip and back damages. If you have suffered a major fall that caused you excruciating pain or almost killed you, it’s time you look for the right slippery floor treatment.

At Home: Bathroom tiles are awfully slippery when wet, and so are outside tiles when one comes inside with slippery feet. You must take precautionary measures especially with children and the elderly is of great importance. So, you must consider a solution that will not break your bank.

In Office: You cannot afford your employees or clients to get injured slipping on the wet floor, as it can cause a great impact to your business. Moreover, the person injured can file a lawsuit against you claiming thousands of dollars for loss and damages incurred.

Have you heard about the anti slip coating? What does it do? Can it really put a stop to slips and falls?

Anti slip coating is one of the most sought after slippery floor treatments that have largely been preferred by homeowners and the ones running a business. A person, whether at home or work, can fall without realizing that the floor beneath their feet is slippery, and it could be either water or oil that’s made the floor loose its traction. This treatment is suitable for slippery ceramic tiles found in the kitchen or bathroom where people mostly fall. Even water on the granite makes it slippery enough for one to take a sudden fall hurting themselves eventually.

Flooring is something that has to be taken care of with a cautious mind. The type of flooring one plans to install in their home or office should be slip resistant so that people can be prevented from falling on the floor losing its grip due to water. Know that the mixture of oil and water can become fatal for a person taking a trip on the floor. 

So, you must consider the installation of anti slip coating whether at home or in office to reduce the fall accidents. Although this product does not guarantee that it’ll totally stop the falls but the number of accidents will be reduced to a great extent.

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